AmericanAg® Farm Updates
Organic Milk Production Has Surged, but Rising Feed Costs Remain a Challenge
Organic milk production has soared over the last three decades, but volatile milk prices and high feed and operational costs remain a barrier to profit. Texas is the top organic milk-producing state in terms of sales, while New York has the highest number or organic dairy farms.
AmericanAg® Farm Connection is a resource that provides comprehensive knowledge about farm trends and products through research and collaboration. Our objective is to continuously enhance our clients’ understanding of farming and farm exposures.
AmericanAg® Farm Solutions
Farm Pollution Coverage
This turnkey product from AmericanAg® is designed to eliminate coverage gaps. Companies can choose from three primary farm pollution products: the Limited Farm Pollution Incident Coverage Endorsement, the Farm Pollution Liability Coverage Part, and the stand-alone Farm Pollution Coverage Form. Flexible reinsurance solutions from AmericanAg® are available for all three.
Cyber Coverage
Cyber Coverage from AmericanAg® allows companies to protect their farm/ranch and small business policyholders from some of today’s most common cyber exposures — data breach, cyber extortion, and identity theft. This customizable and competitive turnkey product includes policy forms and applications, underwriting guidelines, primary pricing, reinsurance, filing assistance, and education and training for underwriting, claims, and agents.
Farm Courses
Six-part curriculum about farm/ranch risks, leading to the AgAdvisor designation.
Farm Resources
Farm education, legal, research, statistics, agritourism, and more.
Farm Safety
Agricultural hazards, risk management, emergency preparedness, and more.