AmericanAg® ranks among the world’s 35 largest reinsurance groups, as rated by A.M. Best. In 2023, we recorded $1.98 billion in gross written premium.
Our role in the market is diverse, as both a buyer and a seller of reinsurance. In 2023, approximately 74 percent of our gross written premium came from our role as a direct reinsurer for the Farm Bureau® property and casualty insurance companies. The Farm Bureau® companies are our owners and clients, and we, in turn, serve them as a reinsurer and an advisor, providing a broad range of services to help them manage their risk.
We also participate in U.S. and international reinsurance programs through the broker marketplace. Within the United States, our Broker Assumed portfolio encompasses property, multi-line, crop, and marine business. In the international area, we hold a stable portfolio, with a diverse mix of business on five continents.